
NetHomeServer 0.9 released

Finally – NetHomeServer 0.9 is released! Most functions have been available for quite a while in the nightly builds, but I haven’t taken the time to document the stuff good enough for releasing. But now it’s done. The release notes can be found at: http://wiki.nethome.nu/doku.php/nethomeserver_release09. The highlights are: CUL-support, IR-Support with PowerMid and MAC OSX-support. There are also a lot of other new Items that are finally documented and released.


  1. Tjo!

    Jag har ett eget byggt nexa interface (usb-serial som är kopplat till en transciever från electrokit). Skulle det vara enkelt att stoppa in stöd för det i nethomeserver?

    Kommer man åt källkoden någonstans? OM det är möjligt skulle jag gärna själv kolla på det när(om) jag har en ledig stund.

  2. Hi Anders, that sounds really interesting! Is the RFM22-S2 transceiver you are using? Have you implemented both sending and receiving?

    There are a number of ways to connect this to NetHomeServer. If you already have a program that interfaces the transceiver, you can use the TCPCommandPort to interface with your program. Another option is to write a specific NetHomeItem for you hardware. The NetHomeServer is not really open source (yet, except for the CUL-firmware), but there are a few developers who have contributed. Mail me if you are interested in that option.

  3. Only sending for now. I might implement recieving. Tranciever art 41004048. Ill mail you and see if i get any free time.
