
NetHomeServer 2.0

I have now finally released NetHomeServer 2.0! Release notes are available here. The final struggle was to get the drivers for Tellstick to work on Windows 8, but with great help from Telldus support we got that working. They signed the VCP-drivers needed for NetHomeServer - thanks!

For those who have been using the nightly builds, there are no other new things in there, instead there are two other things that have changed: The first is that NetHomeServer is now also open source, distributed under GPL V3. It is available on GitHub. Previously I have opened my private repository for those who have wanted to contribute, but now I can just say: Clone us on GitHub!

The second thing is that NetHomeServer now has a new site. Since it is an open source project, I thought a .org-address would be more appropriate, so www.opennethome.org is the new home - please visit and have a look. The old wiki will still be there for a while, I have not moved everything over yet.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Joost! I don't think I will add more devices for FS20 in the near future, I am busy with other changes, but this is an open source project so someone may jump in and do it if there is an interest
